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SEO Interview Questions and Answers: SEO is the most in-demand expertise in digital marketing, which has emerged as one of the best employment chances in today’s globe. Over 150k employment will be created in the fields of analytics, social media, and search engine optimization during the next few years. The following SEO interview questions will help you obtain a thorough understanding of the most frequently asked SEO questions, whether you are new to SEO or have experience. Here is a fast run-through to save you time and work before your SEO interview.

Read also: Top 9 SEO Interview Questions for Freshers

Top 20 SEO Interview Questions

Frequently Asked SEO Interview Issues for Freshers

1. Do you think that SEO is necessary for businesses?

The first clickable banner on a website appeared in 1993. For marketing and promotional purposes, HotWired bought a few banner adverts. No turning back has been allowed since then. The paradigm for marketing had shifted, and individuals could now use and explore something new on the Internet every year. The competition to rank first on search engine results pages has increased dramatically as a result of the rise in online behavior. An internet company needs to use SEO to maintain its position at the top if it wants to flourish.

Top 20 SEO Interview Questions

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Numerous brands and companies are aware of the advantages that will result from having SEO work done on their behalf, or at least they believe they are aware of these advantages.

2. Can you list a few search engines besides Google?

This is one of the frequently asked queries in SEO interviews. Some of them are listed below:

  • Bing
  • Yahoo!
  • DuckDuckGo
  • Yandex
  • YouTube
  • Amazon
  • Baidu
Top 20 SEO Interview Questions

3. What do you know about web crawling?

A web crawler, or spider, is a type of bot that is typically operated by search engines like Google and Bing. Their purpose is to index the content of websites all across the Internet so that those websites can appear in search engine result

Web crawling is the process where a web crawler (spider bot/spider/crawler), an internet bot, browses the World Wide Web for web indexing. It uses hyperlinks to visit pages and copies them for processing and indexing by the search engine so that users on the Internet can search more quickly and efficiently.

 SEO Interview Questions

4. GoogleBot: What is it?

Googlebot is the search bot software that the company uses to gather online content and create a searchable index for Google Search.

SEO may enhance search approaches with a proper understanding of GoogleBot, regardless of whether you’re looking to learn how the Google Crawler works for earned search or sponsored search.

The search engine’s arm known as GoogleBot is responsible for indexing and crawling your web pages. It is also called a spider. Each page you grant GoogleBot access to is crawled using machine learning, added to Google’s index, and then can be retrieved and returned in response to users’ search queries. Even your efforts to make it clear to Google which pages on your website you want to be indexed and those you do not can appear to be a battle.

Googlebot is used to search the Internet. It uses Web crawling software by Google, which allows it to scan, find, add, and index new web pages. In other words, “Googlebot is the name of the search engine spider for Google.

Googlebot’s crawl process begins with a list of webpage URLs, generated from previous crawl processes and augmented with sitemap data provided by webmasters. As Googlebot visits each of these websites it detects links on each page and adds them to its list of pages to crawl.

5. How can I tell if Google has my site in its index?

A URL in your property will be tested by the Google Index information report in your Google Search Console. The URL’s current index status will be shown through its URL Inspection tool. For an index status report and to inspect it, you must provide the complete URL.

To see how your website appears when Google crawls it, utilize the Fetch as Google tool. As a result, site owners can choose how information is indexed on a page-by-page basis and benefit from more granular alternatives. Seeing how your sites seem with or without a snippet in a cached version, which is a backup copy stored on Google’s servers in case the live page cannot be seen at the moment,

One such feature is the option to examine your sites’ exact appearance, with or without a snippet, in a cached version, which is a backup copy stored on Google’s servers in case the live page cannot now be viewed.

Using the info: operator is another approach to determine whether any site URL is in the Index. In the navigation bar of the Google Chrome browser, type info: URL. This will cause a Google display to appear: Display “example-domain-url” in Google’s cache. Track down websites that resemble “example-domain-URL”.

Read Also: Top 12 Google Search Console Interview Questions with Answers

6. What does “search engine submission” mean?

To ensure that your website is crawled and indexed by search engines, you must submit it to them. Although search engines are capable of finding your website and indexing it quickly, it is still advisable to go through with the submission process because you will have the chance to provide some helpful information about your website from your end and the search engines will let you know if there are any potential errors on your website.

7. What Is A SERP?

SERP stands for search engine results page. This is the page that gives search engine users the best results for their queries.

Search engine results pages can vary from one search engine user to another based on a variety of factors including whether you are logged into your Google account, your location settings, your language preferences, and your search history.

The following is the SERP for SEO(search engine optimization).

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8. Describe NAP.

Search engines can better identify the list of businesses to be displayed for location-based searches with the use of NAP (name, address, phone number).

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By Manish

Founder and Digital Marketing Trainer at ITTCD & Trained 10,000+ | Google Certified | Follow Me: LinkedIn @mrmanishkrsingh Facebook: @TheManishKrSingh X (Twitter): @MrManishKrSingh

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